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Enspired Solutions is proud to announce that we have been awarded the Best Technology of 2023 award from New Enterprise Forum for our patented technology to permanently and destroy PFAS. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), are one of the most pressing environmental issues worldwide and Enspired Solutions has commercialized destruction technology to tackle the PFAS problem. Co-Founder and CEO Denise Kay accepted the award, celebrating our team's accomplishments as outstanding startup entrepreneurs. Thank you New Enterprise Forum for supporting Enspired on our road to business and environmental success!

In May 2024, the Department of Defense awarded Enspired Solutions® a contract for $1.2MM for field implementation of PFAS destruction using our Photo-activated Reductive Defluorination (PRD) technology. This award is a direct follow-up to the work we successfully completed for DoD in 2023 during which we tested our technology on PFAS-impacted waters from multiple DoD sites across the country. This new contract gives Enspired the opportunity to move our work for DoD from lab scale to field scale. The first phase of work will be executed in summer 2024 at Tyndall Air Force Base. Enspired Solutions will decontaminate a fire truck by connecting it to our PFASigator® to simultaneously rinse the truck and destroy PFAS. Phase two will follow as we mobilize to another DoD facility to destroy PFAS in groundwater concentrate. All of this will be done on site using our versatile, mobile and automated PFASigator®. We look forward to continuing our work with the DoD as they support the development of energy-efficient and cost-effective technologies that permanently destroy PFAS and remove it from the global water supply.